O quê?

Bibliotecário - Inglês Avançado

Lago Sul - DF
R$ 3.500,00 (Bruto mensal)
30 out

Main Duties: Ensures that library services meet the expectations of teachers and students; Conducts daily library sessions to promote reading and scanning books; Management of the library system; Promotes library resources, events and programs to users; Specific Duties and Responsibilities: Trains and assists readers in conducting searches and research; Offers training on using the library system and accessing the collection; Supports classroom teachers and heads; Manages the collection, including planning and budget; Selects, develops, catalogues and classifies library resources; Promotes library resources, events and programs to users;

Número de vagas: 1

Tipo de contrato e Jornada: Efetivo – CLT - Período Integral

Área Profissional: Analista em Ciências, Pesquisa - Biblioteconomia

Assine a Conta Premium agora!
  • Escolaridade Mínima: Ensino Superior
  • Biblioteconomia; Ensino Superior
  • Inglês (Avançado)
  • Experiência desejada: Entre 1 e 3 anos
  • Assistência médica
  • Refeição no local
  • Seguro de Vida
  • Vale-transporte
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