O quê?


São Paulo - SP
Salário a combinar
27 dez
BVZ Advogados is a Brazilian lawfirm, with a solid track-record, and regarded by the market as providing extremely effective legal solutions and ultrapersonalized services (Legal 500). BVZ's partners are ranked as leaders of their fields by international and national publications, such as Chambers & Partners, Leaders League, Benchmark Litigation, IFLR1000, Legal 500, ITR and Análise Advocacia. BVZ prides itself in specializing in few areas of expertise, to provide the best services in said areas, having a solid academic curriculum and high technical standards, being pro-deal, and having its partners in the frontlines and unrestrictedly available.
Setor: Advocacia / Ass. Jurídica
Funcionários: Pequeno (entre 20 e 99 funcionários)
Matriz: São Paulo

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